Below you can read the papers of the past Conferences
New Music Concepts 2016
Andrea Asztalos
Abstract. The purpose of this paper was to examine and describe children's choir directors belief about warm-ups and their practices in conducting warm-ups, and to state rationale and necessity of the vocal warm-up before children's choir rehearsal. Subjects were 32 children's choir directors, who conduct children's choir in Music Primary School in Hungary. Research methods were observations, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. Results: A well-planned and efficiently executed warm-up is essential for developing a good singing habit and creating an attentive atmosphese in children's choir rehearsal. Choral singing is just like any other warm-up exercise before vigorous physical activity: to tune up the body and stretch the muscles so as to prepare for the high tension in the activiy. Bescause the vocal cord is an extremely sensitive organ, it needs special care and trainig in order to have good voice production.
children's choir, children's voice building, choral conductor, vocal/choral warm-ups